Lee Otterholt dancing

Boulder International Folk Dancers (BIFD) will turn over their regular Friday night folk dancing to Lee Otterholt for a mini-workshop on Friday, September 20, 2024 from 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM in Sodal Hall at the Avalon Ballroom in Boulder. Price is $5 for BIFD members, $10 non-members. No preregistration; pay at the door, starting at 7:00 PM.

International Folk Dance Master Teacher Lee Otterholt will make a stop in Boulder, Colorado on his Fall 2024 Teaching Tour. Lee Otterholt was born in the US of Norwegian-American parents, lived and worked most of his life in Norway as a professional dancer, dance teacher and choreographer. Lee teaches at workshops, festivals and seminars all over the USA and Canada. He is a leader of Folk Dance tours all over the world. Lee has never lost sight of the fact that folk dancers dance because it is fun, and these dances mean something to us – just as they were fun and meant something to the village dancers before us!

More about Lee: LeeOtterholt.com

Dances we have done at TNFD that Lee Otterholt either choreographed or taught include:

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