
TNFD Party on July 9, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

It’s your last chance for a Tuesday Night Folk Dancing party until winter. What’s the occasion? It’s just a party on a Tuesday on a Summer’s night.


What is a Tuesday Night Folk Dancing Party?

A party is a chance to socialize a bit more than is possible during regular dance breaks. Since the music and dance programmer doesn’t get any breaks for socialization, parties help to fill that void. There’s no teaching, and the dances are ones you know and love. The addition of treats and snacks provides that necessary party element for talking while eating and having sticky hands while dancing.

TNFD Party Playlist Format

I try to have the music for the entire evening programmed ahead of time, so I can just start the music and enjoy an evening away from the computer. If you have requests, please email with those ahead of time. Below is the evening format that seems to be working for parties, with only one major party break at 8:15 PM:

  • DANCE SET #1 (7:40 – 8:15)
    • MINI-BREAK (1 Tune ~8:05)
  • PARTY BREAK #1 (8:15 – 8:25) (~10 min w/ last tune or two danceable)
  • DANCE SET #2 (8:25 – 8:55)
    • MINI-BREAK (1 Tune ~8:40)
  • DANCE SET #3 (9:00 – 9:30)
    • MINI-MINI-BREAK (1 Tune ~9:12)
    • LAST DANCE (~9:26)

TNFD Party Protocol

  1. The 1st rule of TNFD Party Protocol is to have fun!
  2. You are encouraged, but not required, to bring a snack to share of the savory or sweet variety.
  3. You may bring your own alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage for yourself or to share (there’s not much participation in such at TNFD, except some around the Winter Holidays).
  4. TNFD will provide reusable plates, cups, and eating utensils (aka plastic silverware). Please be sure to place those in the dirty dishes tub for washing and reuse rather than in the trash for going “away.”
  5. There will not be any major teaching on party nights, but there may be quick instructions for a party dance. For the most part, I’ll keep spinning the hits with some breaks filled with background/table music for mingling, munching, and merriment.

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