Opšaj Diri & Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš – Croatia [Nena Sokčić*]

Pronunciation:AWP-shy DEER-ee
Translation:simililar to “tra, la, la”
Alias:Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš (in reference to a medley of the two)
Introduced:Nena Sokčić
Year:1986 (in current form)
Type of Dance:Circle/Chain/Line: non-partner
Category:Oldies RIFD
Format:Closed Circle
Hand Hold:Back Basket
Leads to:L w/R
Song:Opšaj Diri
Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš
Date Taught:4/25/23
Posted:April 27, 2023
Updated:March 6, 2024

The Croatian folk song, Opšaj Diri, has many dance choreographies, but they share all those famous Croatian Drmeš (DUR-mesh, “Shaking Dance” ) dance attributes: basket hold, walk, rita, and, of course, the ubiquitous Drmeš step. The dance is often a twofer with Opšaj Diri followed immediately by Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš choreography.

The PDF of Let’s Dance at folkdance.com and Andrew’s Folk Dance Musings are missing the Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš description. Dick Oakes has a scan including page 2 here (transcribed below.)

Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš


1-12 Repeat Drmeš step as in Fig IV of Opšaj Diri

  1. Step fwd on R (1). Hop on R (2).
  2. Bending knees, step fwd on L (1). Straighten knees (&), Hop on L (2). There is a down-up motion in this bar.
  3. Small running steps bkwd R,L (1,2).
  4. Tiny step to R on R bringing L close to R (1). Repeat w/ opp. ftwk (2). Do not twist hips as ft are brought close together, although the heels may move slightly to R and L.
  5. -16. Repeat bars 1-4 three times (4 in all).

Repeat dance from beginning (DREMEŠ) 4 more times, but each Drmeš repeat will be 16 bars instead of 12.


There are patriotic and protest versions of the lyrics. Read up at Folkdance Footnotes on the dance and the lyrics.

Ajd' u kolo sve selo, zaigrajmo veselo.
Zaigramo (zapjevajmo) veselo, ajd' u kolo sve selo.
// Opšaj diri, diri diri di, opšaj dara, dara dara dar //

Moj je dragi grane list, ljepši nego runolist,
Ljepši nego runolist, moj je dragi gore list.
// chorus //

Od kad imam dragana, ne dam više tavana,
Ne dam više tavana, od kad imam dragana.
// chorus //
Let's dance all around the village, singing cheerfully.
We'll sing happily, all around the village.
// Opšaj diri, diri di di, opšaj dara, dara dara dar //

My love is a leaf from a tree, but more beautiful than edelweiss,
Nicer than edelweiss, my love is a leaf from a tree.
// chorus //

Since I have a sweetheart, do not give more loft.
Do not give more loft, since I have a sweetheart.
// chorus //

Protest version:
1. Hey people, people, Here is your liberty
2. Vibrant is the lilac tree, My beloved is a partisan
3. On the other side of the Morave (river in Croatia) a girl is reading the newspaper

Teaching & Dancing Examples

Roy Butler (skip to 10 sec in) Opšaj Diri only
Dale Adamson: Opšaj Diri & Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš

Performance Examples

Music Examples: Opšaj Diri

Chris Rowbury’s random Ipswitch choir
LADO Ensemble – Opšaj Diri I Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš

Music Examples: Pokupski Svatovski Drmeš
