Home » TNFD Dances » Info & Learning Pages » (Sacred Circle) » Fado Português de Nós [Nanni Kloke] – Sacred Circle Dance – {Portuguese}

Fado Português de Nós is a Sacred Circle dance choreographed by Nanni Kloke to the Portuguese Fado/Jazz song “Fado Português de Nós” by the Portuguese singer Mariza. It’s a simple dance to a catchy and playful Fado-ish song, although most Fados are usually not so peppy and rather melancholy about the hard lives of the poor and working class—especially those of maritime proletariat (sailors, bohemians, dock workers, port traders, fishwives and other working-class people).

Re­source Links:
Dance Name:Fado Português de Nós
Trans­la­tion:A Portuguese Fado by Us
(A Fado About the Fado)
A­li­as­es:Fado Portugues de Nos
Cho­re­o­graph­er:Nanni Kloke
Taught in USA by:Ira Weisburd
Year:≥ 2005
Coun­try of Or­i­gin:Germany/Netherlands
Mu­sic Gen­re:Portuguese Fado/Jazz
Dance Type:Circle/Chain/Line: non-partner
Dance Cat­e­go­ry:Sacred Circle
Folk Stat­us:Recreational, Non-Ethnic
Skill Lev­el:Easy
En­er­gy In­ten­si­ty:Moderate
Song:Fado Português de Nós by Mariza
on the album Transparente, 2005
Time Sig­na­ture:2/4
Pat­tern:8-bars to R then mirror to L
(QQS) x2, (SS QQS) x 3
Danc­er For­ma­tion:Closed Circle
Hand Hold:V-position
Leads to:Fwd w/ R
Date Taught:8/15/2023
Pub­lished:August 8, 2023
Up­dat­ed:July 27, 2024

Ira Weisburd teaches this dance widely in North America. He learned it at Jeannette Schwartzman’s class in Drunen in the southern Netherlands. (YouTube video note). Nanni Kloke, practitioner of the Harmony Method and Sacred Circle Dance instructor and choreographer, is said to be the choreographer of this dance (YouTube note by Dale Adamson.)

The pattern of the dance follows the music, but one still must pay attention to hold that pattern of quicks and slows and not drift into trance… (see Pattern: in the table to the left)

If you are not familiar with the Portuguese Fado genre of music, you should be! I have been a fan for quite some time. While I don’t understand any of the Portuguese language, I understand the feeling of the music, as is the reason for music… There have been so many Fados written, it was about time that someone wrote a Fado about The Fado!

Mariza, the Singer of “Fado Português de Nós”

Born on 16 December 1973 as Marisa dos Reis Nunes to a Portuguese father and a Mozambican mother, Mariza began singing a wide variety of musical styles at an early age. Her father encouraged her to pursue Fado in order to gain greater acceptance into the Portuguese community. She released her first album in 2001, Fado em Mim. She has sold multi-platinum of several albums and is inarguably the genre’s best-known global representative for the 21st century. * Wikipedia * www.mariza.com * AllMusic *

Mariza, the Singer of "Fado Português de Nós"

Dancing Examples

Music: Fado Português de Nós and an Actual Fado

Fado Português de Nós by Mariza, used for the dance.
NOT the Fado you are looking for! The Queen of Fado, Amália Rodrigues.


Nasceu de ser Português
Fez-se à vida pelo mundo
Foi p´lo sonho vagabundo
Foi pela terra abraçado
//: Bem querido ou mal amado 
O Fado.://
Viveu de ser Português
Foi alegre e foi gingão
Por ser um fado é cançao
Por ser futuro é passado
//: Mal querido ou bem amado
O Fado.://
Cada vez mais Português
Anda nas asas do vento
Ás vezes solta um lamento
E pede p´ra ser achado
//: Ele é querido, ele é amado
O Fado.x3//
Born to be Portuguese
Made a living around the world
It was for the vagabond dream
It was embraced by the earth
//: Well-loved or unloved
The Fado.://
Lived to be Portuguese
It was happy and it was cautious
Because it's a Fado, it's a song
For being future is past
//: Badly hated or well loved
The Fado.://
Every time more Portuguese
Ride in the wings of the wind
Sometimes is lets out a lament
And asks to be found
//: He's a dear, he's loved
The Fado.x3//
LyricsTranslate.com and my own touch up with Google Translate